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“Being in our open heart we experience our real true nature as being love.”


„Leave your prison, go home into the bliss of existence.

Completely stop projecting love and happiness on somebody / something outside of you.

Stop being a seeker or student, be found.

Stop being satisfied with crumbs, enjoy the complete menu.

Throw away your crutches, you can walk now.

You will completely receive what you ask for.

Ask inside for dearness in your heart and you will receive.

Ask inside for complete deep love in your heart and you will receive.

Ask inside for total freedom and you will receive.



“…we are always invited to ‘hang out’ at the deepest level of our human existence we are aware of and to live and enjoy our life from there.”


“What if our deeply felt separation and loneliness is only a construction on one level of our limited mind?”


„From quantum physics, we can learn that we are basically empty space with lots of opinions and concepts about life and ourselves!”


“This could also mean that you experience yourself as a body while you are at the same time a light wave able to radiate and fly in the universe.”


“You are, on your physical level of existence, dancing, magical energy full of miracles and wonders.


“…there is never a moment without God-space and without the potential of entering God-space inside…”


„…relaxing into the silence between two breaths, thoughts or actions is the very doorway to God-space.“


“Besides the content of what is said, it is the energy behind the words that we feel most deeply.”


“…we are the sky but we are not the clouds or thunderstorms which are moving in the sky!”


“Ask for the energy you long for and you will receive.”


“Move from a tender dialogue in polarity we can move to a sweet ecstatic monologue in oneness, carried by warm tender silence.”


“Knowing that every word we create, move, and believe in has incredible power to construct or destroy goodness inside of us, we realize how important it is to have a loving compassionate conversation within.”


„With all of my bodies, I love to be completely gone into the ecstasy and beauty of god.“


„Despite what happens around me I enter completely perfect love.“


„I love to innocently enter the highest energy of the cosmos.“


„As awareness, we swim in the water of frequency,

applying these reflections in our self,

creating a new self,

full of love and nurturing frequency.

The self becomes our sweet servant to enter and manifest God-space.“


“On the level of heart and soul in God-space, you are a most beautiful human being…”


“You are of divine inheritance. You are complete, nothing is missing. There is only love existing in truth.”


“Let’s deeply realize that we are 99.9999 % space with dancing particles of love and bliss inside.”


“It takes human greatness to connect to and feel your ‘enemy’s’ pain.”


With each transcended limitation, we experience more love and deeper fulfillment inside.”


“Your brain is your lovely servant. Drop into your heart. Your brain will follow. Your nervous system will follow. Your body will follow.”


“Every night is a complete reset for a new start in your life.”


“Clarity is a state of mind that is naturally present when we are in connection with the universe; action flows from there without doubt or mind-fog.”


“All we really want is to deeply connect, to reach out and be in real communication…”


“On the upside, all of our relationships have the highest potential for transformation.”


“In truth, our hearts are always ready to share love anytime, anywhere.”


“It is truly a labor of love, and in the darkness, you will find the light.”


„This very moment is our best friend

This very moment is the apex of our human existence.


There is really only this moment in existence.

Modern brain research tells us that the future and past are just stories in the matrix of our hallucinatory brain.

Fate and destiny are just ideas.

Free will is just a theory.

Since Einstein and modern Quantum physics, we know that time, matter, and this universe are relatively wobbly and bendable.

This moment is it.

The complete universe is compressed into this very moment.

There is no choice.

Only innocence.

We can totally relax into this moment.

There is only a total celebration of this moment.

No matter how you feel about yourself and your existence.

There is nothing more to do at this moment but to enjoy.

There is really nowhere to go.

This moment is the very best time to realize our sweet home in the universe of love inside.

No future, no past.

Be and feel deeply totally free in this moment.

Enjoy deeply breathing at this moment.“

Would you like to feel and be completely home in this universe?
We often feel so small and limited. Research tells us that we all, as human beings, „suffer“ from 80% negative and 95% repetitive thinking. We mostly focus our thinking on the smaller perspective of our life, the fear of losing our body/health, our partner/family and our belongings.
Modern brain science tells us that it is really only the brain which creates the complete story of our life with all of our perceived problems and misfits?
What can we do?
How about fully and completely open up our brain and enlarge the focus of our life:
Look at the 2 pictures. Do you see any similarities?
A. Our brain B. The Cosmos
Our brain is the complete COSMOS/UNIVERSE!
You may have the entire universe in your head!
The human brain is literally one of the most complex structures known in the Universe – which is itself the greatest of all complexity. Your brain has about 80 billion neurons – the cells that process input from the senses and send signals to your body through the nervous system. Neurons are also networked, communicating to each other through connections called axions and dendrites. There are on the order of 100 trillion connections between neurons forming the neural network that creates who you are.
Your brain is our doorway to complete happiness:
In a fully functional brain nothing is lacking, there is nowhere to go, all fulfillment/happiness/bliss is available right now and here.
How to support the healing of our brains?
All day Meditation: Love to open our brain to the cosmos, loving to relax into breathing, humming the sound of ohm, chanting/singing/spiritual reflections.
Therapy/Counseling (Let me know if you are interested)“
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